January 1, 2025 Dues for 2025 will be $1,167.65 Fee Income + $120.45 Home Improvement = $1,288.10 per quarter Note new dues rate!!!!!
MET Mountain HOA October 28, 2024 PO Box 2733 Avon, CO 81620
Board Meeting Minutes
In attendance Board Members - Betsey Foley, Cliff Loeb, Eric Mundy, Michael Borowski Vaughn DeCrausaz – Maintenance
Major Issue MET Mountain HOA has only $3,713.16 in our three bank accounts. Checking $1,050.00 Savings $1,300.20 Home Improvement $1,362.96
Reasons for this low amount New metal roofing issues Legal expenses to obtain an $894K judgement against Ace Roofing and Jon Stowe cost $23K. Roof repairs and supplies cost $6,861 TJ of Commercial Collection Agency of America in Aurora is working on the collection Ace Roofing is closed and Stowe has disappeared Tree Removal and Sewer line Inspection/Alignment 771 #1: $7520
The 10% increases in HOA dues over the past several years has not covered the increases in expenses Eagle River Water and Sewage 2022 2023 2024 $19,199 $21,993 $25,143 This is an approximate 14.4% increase per year. Irrigation is only a small amount of this charge because it is only used June, July, and August
Insurance Costs 2022 2023 2024 $13,439 $17,438 $22,618 This is an approximate 29.8% increase per year. The Board mentioned that some HOAs are having issues even getting insurance.
Landscaping Cost with Gore Range 2022 2023 2024 $7,225 $7,262 $7,305 This is an approximate 0.6% increase per year.
Waste Removal and Re-Cycle 2022 2023 2024 $4,258 $5,325 $6,010 This is an approximate 12.9% increase per year.
Accounting 2022 2023 2024 $4,806 $4,650 $4,800 Michael resourced HOA accounting costs. $4,800 is about in the middle of costs for our size HOAs.
Snow Removal 2022 2023 2024 $1,870 $2,847 $4,000 This is an approximate 40% increase per year. Mountain Maintenance was our snow removal contractor. They have closed and left the valley. After contacting 11 contractors, receiving three quotes, we hired JD Snow Removal for $4,000 for the five month winter period. $2,000 by November 15th, $2,000 by February 15th.
Management Fees 2022 2023 2024 $2,400 $1,800 $1,800 Starboard Electric, Inc., Vaughn DeCrausaz for HOA maintenance, budgets, contracts, website
Total Expenses 2022 2023 2024 2025 Estimate $65,978 $83,143 $78,829 $82,889 This is an approximate 6% increase 2024 to 2025.
Total Income 2022 2023 2024 2025 Estimate (three quarters) $64,232 $69,198 $73,449 $80,670
Difference between Income and Expenses (red = negative number) 2022 2023 2024 2025 Estimate $1,746 $13,945 $5,380 $2,219
The 10% increases in HOA dues will not cover the increase in expenses.
Based on the above, the Board voted to increase the HOA Dues 10% starting January 1, 2025. Dues for 20224 are $1061.50 Fee Income + $109.50 Home Improvement = $1,171.00 per quarter Dues for 2025 will be $1,167.65 Fee Income + $120.45 Home Improvement = $1,288.10 per quarter Total Dues 2025 $74,729.60 Fee Income + $7,708.80 Home Improvement = $82,438.40 There would still be a Total Difference of $450.60 (e.g. negative) using both the Fee and Home Improvement to cover current forecasted expenses.
It is imperative that owners pay their dues on time to keep a balance as monthly invoices arrive.
The Board is looking for ways to decrease the Expenses AND increase Income. If you should have any suggestions, please contact a Board member or Vaughn (starbrd@vail.net).
The Board is looking for ways to increase the Home Improvement account thru a Special Assessment. They are also looking at future expensive projects like blacktop paving and large tree removal.
MET Mountain HOA January 4, 2024 PO Box 2733 Avon, CO 81620
The Board has approoved an increase in the dues by approximately 10% as per the Covenants Article V, Sections (a) and (c). This increase will be for the 2nd thru 4th quarters of 2024. 1st quarter dues $1,064.81 2nd quarter dues $1,171.00 Operations $1,061.50 + Home Improvement $109.50
The reason for the increase in dues is the increase in insurance from $15,242 to $18,128 or 18.9% and Eagle River Water estimated cost from $21,712 to $24,185 or 11.4%.
MET Mountain HOA September 27, 2023 PO Box 2733 Avon, CO 81620
Board Meeting Minutes
David Chris Smith has stepped down from Board President and the Board
Election of an interim Board President David Chris Smith and Betsy Foley are the only ones on the check signing list. To chance signees, the new signer must go to the bank with a copy of the HOA meetings showing Chris off the Board and the new President.
Call for Board members Sent out an email September 19th to all HOA members for a call for Board members Ryan Slaughter has responded in the negative Alex and Koen are very busy with their shop Liz has talked to her partner John about the Board Michael may agree to be on the Board after some discussion KP will talk to his wife Catherine
Financial Report Accounts Receivable Aging Report – two owners have not paid 3rd quarter dues They have been emailed. Two owners have paid the 4th quarter dues ahead to increase Operating account
Home Improvement account had “loaned” $30,825.09 to the Operating account
Total Income as of August 31st $14,882.00 Total Expenses $67,456.38 Net Ordinary Income -$18,015.69 Other Income/Expense $ 131.19 Net Income -$17,884.50
Current Assets as of August 31st Checking Account $1,040.00 Home Improvement $3,447.33 Savings $3,295.21 Total Bank Accounts $7,782.54
Increase Dues by 10% The Board voted 3-0 NOT to raise Dues for the 1st quarter and look at in January Income Quarterly Dues Units Quarterly Total Increase Dues by 10% for 2024 $1,064.80 16 $17,036.80 $1,193.29 16 $19,092.66 Per Mouth $361.60 $5,678.93 $397.77 $6,364.22 PerYear $68,147.20 $76,370.62 Expenses from 2023 Budget Insurance $26,878 Looks like $17,438.00 for 2023 Landscaping $7,586 Maintenance $4,800 Accounting $4,800 Snow Removal $1,500 Waste Removal $4,500 Water Sewer $21,118 Misc $2,256
Total $71,938 $71,038.00 Yearly Deficit $(3,790.80) If ALL the owners pay their quarterly dues. Monthly Deficit $ (315.90) Proposed 10% Quarterly Dues Increase 110% of $1,064.81 = $1,171.29 Operating dues $1061.48 (round down to $1,061.00) Home Improvement $ 109.82 (round up to $110.00) Total proposed quarterly increase $1,171.00 Yearly Total $74,944.00 Yearly Surplus $3,006.00
Insurance Costs As of August $14,882 September $1,278 October $1,278 Total $17,438
Water Sewer and Irrigation Cost Total 2022 $20,554.05 Estimated Irrigation Cost 2022 $1,711.07 or 8.3% of the total water sewer cost Total water sewer thru August 2022 $15,801.60 Total water sewer thru August 2023 $14,966.58 even though water cost has increased
Roofing Water Damage, Costs and Judgement Costs 2022 Heat Tape $374.28 Skylight Seal $548.07 Heckman legal $4,959.65 Other’s $5,938.74 CO2 Inspection, Steammaster, ABC Supply
Insurance Reimbursement 2022 $7,557.45 Should be owed to owners for garage damage
Cost 2023 Heckman legal $18,150.63
Total 2022, 2023 Costs Heckman legal $23,110.28 Supplies, repairs $6,861.09 Total $29,971.37
Judgement Eagle Count Case #202CV30134 Signed and stamped by judge August 24, 2023 Final hearing September 21, 2023 with Ace owner surprisingly appeared (virtually) and admitted when asked by the court that he had knowledge that the orders were entered against him individually and against Ace. The court advised Stowe that the case was now closed.
Roof replacement $788,371.68 Garage Drywall $83,000.00 Legal $23.100.28 Other $400.00 Grand Total $894,871.96
Collection Agencies Nexum Group 888-517-4771 Jake 30% commissionCalifornia Mesa Revenue Partners 303-696-3910 Marc 40% Denver Cedar Financial 818-791-4457 Shane 40% California Commercial Collection 303-351-0464 TJ 50% Aurora Empire Credit Collection 877-659-5986 Jennifier 33%/50% NY
All agencies either want legal fees up front, charges when used or at a higher percentage
T J was the most helpful. Has clients in Summit County. Marc seemed “forceful” on the phone. Empire charges 33% on collections less than a year but 50% when a lawyer is involved.
Board Meeting January 5, 2022
The Board voted to increase the MET Mountain HOA Quarterly Dues by 10% because of the increase in the HOA insurance, snowplowing and lawn care. 2021 Quarterly HOA Dues was $797.50 and for 2022 will be $877.25 2021 Quarterly Home Improvement $82.50 and for 2022 will be $90.75 2021 Total Quarterly Invoice was $880.00 and for 2022 will be $968.00
The total Quarterly Dues of $968.00 will be invoice as of January 2022.
Short Term Rentals (STRs) Survey Results September 1, 2021
15 of the 16 Homeowners responded to the Survey.
Should STRs be allowed in MET Mountain HOA No = 11, Yes = 4
Board pursuing measures to establish a minimum rental duration for rentals in the Met Townhomes No = 3, Yes = 12
Minimum Stay No Limit = 3 7 Days, 6 Nights = 1 14 Days = 1 30 Days = 5 6 Months = 5
Board facilitating the implementation of rules and regulations regarding STR’s in MET Townhome units No = 4, Yes = 11
11 Homeowner’s added Notes to their return.
August 22, 2021 Dear MET Townhome owners and HOA members,
This email is written on behalf of the MET Townhome HOA Board to ask for your input on the direction the Board should take regarding Short Term Rentals (STRs) in our 16 townhome units. There is a brief SURVEY below to be returned to me (Vaughn). I will keep your responses confidential, meaning that I will summarize the information to the Board without disclosing who said what.
Your prompt response will be greatly appreciated – please respond no later than 8/31/21.
INTRODUCTION: As you may know, one of the MET Townhouse units is being used for Short Term Rentals (STR’s). Since the unit went under STR in early July 2021, there have been several incidents where our on-site manager, Vaughn or a homeowner has needed to intervene and call the STR owner or the STR management company to get resolution. (See BACKGROUND below)
The Board conducted some research on STR’s (see RESEARCH below) and one topic of a recent Board meeting was to discuss what actions the Board should take regarding STR’s. Because any changes to our by-laws and/or covenants will require the appropriate vote from all HOA members, the Board is seeking your input for direction on this matter.
SURVEY: Please respond by 8/31/21 The board would like your informal input on the following questions. This is not a vote on anything at this time, rather your responses will be used to help set the Board’s direction on this matter.
Please send your response back to me. I will pull together the responses confidentially and present them to the board without disclosing who sent what response.
What are your thoughts on Short Term Rentals? Should STRs be allowed in our MET townhomes?
Regarding direction to the Board: Are you in favor of the Board pursuing measures to establish a minimum rental duration for rentals in the Met Townhomes? Yes No If yes, what is your opinion on the minimum rental duration allowable? Please select: 2 weeks minimum rental? 30 days minimum rental? 6 months minimum rental? Annual rentals only? Other minimum length or suggestions (please write in) Are you in favor of the Board facilitating the implementation of rules and regulations regarding STR’s in MET Townhome units? Note that the creation of enforceable rules/fine structure would add additional administrative work for the Board which, to be effective, may necessitate getting more involvement from other HOA members. Yes No 5. Is there any other feedback you would like to give the board on this or any other matter?
RESEARCH: We have found that for insurance, having more that 25% of the MET #4 units as STR’s would likely change the type of policy and increase our insurance premiums. NOTE that if our insurance rates go up, it would likely necessitate an increase in quarterly assessments. A mortgage lender told us that having more than 25% STRs in MET #4 units would affect the ability for mortgages to be written and/or would likely cause higher loan rates. NOTE that this could affect your ability to re-finance or for prospective buyers to find competitive mortgage rates. Currently there are no specific rules, regulations or restrictions within the MET Townhome HOA by-law, rules or covenants regarding STRs. There are moves within Eagle Vail to establish ordinances and rules for STRs. This is an on-going debate. Here is a link to the Eagle Vail general rental rules: https://img1.wsimg.com/blobby/go/24918d02-a545-4f4e-ac9b-23b680c96ffc/downloads/Property%20Rental%20Rules%20and%20Regs%2010.18.19.pdf?ver=1625759648466; We are in process of finding out what rules the STR management company imposes on renters and what rules the STR owner imposes. The Board believes that more restrictive policies can be implemented by the HOA over and above those of Eagle Vail POA polices, should the appropriate number of HOA members vote to do so. Numerous articles can be found about the STR controversy. One interesting article by Madeline Berenson of Eagle Vail can be found at this link: https://www.vaildaily.com/opinion/berenson-please-put-the-neighbor-back-in-neighborhood-eagle-county/?fbclid=IwAR1rny53LjViisR_trcX0Sd6N2mBy3GswdXH_WqbMIcCmzO1D8FG2fPUON4 A 2008 article that shows the debate can be found here: https://www.summitdaily.com/news/eagle-vail-divided-over-short-term-rentals/ Though the article is dated, the issues seem to be the same. BACKGROUND Since early July 2021 when a unit of MET Townhomes became a Short-Term Rental, there have been several incidents which needed intervention by either Vaughn or a homeowner. Note that there have also been rental periods in the unit with no incidents.
These incidents involved things like: improper use of dumpster causing trash to be spread about and in one case attracting a bear open fire charcoal grill on porch (expressly against HOA and insurance rules)– neighbor complained to tenant and was ignored Noise from late (after midnight) cleaning crew arrival. Note: the owner has responded and has put more strict cleaning times in place. Inconveniences / disturbances from the frequent move-in/move-out flow Additionally, though the following has NOT occurred, concerns have been expressed about flooding and sewer stoppages (due to STR guests flushing solids down the toilets) and fire caused by mishandling of hot ashes.
In effect, when there are problems, Vaughn, and homeowners are put in the position to be the on-site STR property manager by either talking to the tenants or calling the off-site property manager.
Please return your SURVEY to me by 8/31/21.
Thanks very much,
Vaughn DeCrausaz On behalf of the Met Townhomes HOA Board
MET Mountain Homeowners Association Board Meeting August 4, 2021
Board members in attendants: Chris Smith Cliff Loeb Eric Mundy
Vaughn DeCrausaz - Maintenance
Short Term Rentals (STR) The topic of STRs was discussed because of recent issues with rents and the housekeepers in 790 Unit #2. These issues include renters flaming charcoal grilling on the deck under the roof overhang, housekeeping in the middle of the night, renters and housekeepers leaving their garbage not in the dumpster but just in the enclosure for the crows and bear to spread around, parking vehicles on the lawn. Synopsis of issues with STRs: HOA insurance companies do not like over 25% of unit be rentals or STRs Mortgage companies do not like over 25% of unit be rentals or STRs Legal fees to the HOA to revise our Declarations Parking Garbage/dumpster Housekeeping/cleaning crews Property values “Grandfathered” owners that are already renting/STR A discussion on the proper way forward: Letter to homeowners on their opinion on STR, yes or no If yes, what length of rental, 14 days, 30 days, 6 months minimum There must be a 2/3 vote of the homeowners to accept a change to the Declaration If there is a 2/3 acceptance, an attorney should be hired to draft a change to the Declarations A common Retainer for an attorney is $3,000 The final Declaration must be pasted by a 2/3 vote of the homeowners The attorney will submit the changed Declarations with the County Vaughn has reached out to the Linda (970) 306-7886 linda@pmivail.com at BookbyOwner.com, PMI Vail for their STR contract and rules. No response yet.
Gutter/ Roof Modification Vaughn has installed another modification to the lower end of the metal roof to divert the rain water down into the existing gutter on his 791 Unit #4. We will do a trial and observe the function thru the summer and winter.
Painting of Wood Trim around Metal Roof and Garage Door Trim Eric Mundy of Unlimited Services will start on the painting shortly
US Highway 6 Drainage Vaughn filed a complaint with the Colorado Department of Law, Division of Risk Management. The claim was file by Certified Registered mail and stamped received May 17th. There has been NO response to calls to the Department of Law OR Division of Risk Management. We had a major rain storm on July 22nd. One inch of rain fell in one hour. The water from US Hwy 6 backed up into the grass south of 791 and was almost flooding Units 1 and 2. CDOT, E-V Metro, and Cirque Engineering were emailed. Will Kearney from Cirque, CDOT’s representative, visited the site.
Items for Future Discussion Several of our large pines and aspens are starting to die off. Removal of these trees may be very expensive and require a Special Assessment.
The blacktop driveways and parking areas are starting to have large cracks. Replacing the blacktop will be very expensive and require a Special Assessment.
Xeriscape instead of grass. Vaughn to look into cost of summer lawn care AND irrigation water
More on STRs No check-in verification, two people book STR, soccer team moves in (which happened this weekend just across the Deer Blvd)
MET Mountain Homeowners Association Board Meeting June 17, 2021
Board members in attendants: Betsy Fowley Cliff Loeb Eric Mundy
Vaughn DeCrausaz - Maintenance
Eagle River Water and Sanitation Vaughn reported that Eagle River Water and Sanitation (ERWS) did an inspection of our fresh water supply and irrigation systems in compliance with State regulations. They found a valve on the supply side of the irrigation back flow preventers that must be removed because if a hose was connected to this valve, it could siphon contaminated water back into the fresh water system. These valves were removed and pipe plugs installed before the irrigation system was turned on for the summer. ERWS also found several outside original water spigots (valves) that did not have a “vacuum break” on the spigots. The vacuum break allows the water to drain out when the spigot is turned off and prevents siphoning of contaminated water back into the fresh water system. Watts vacuum break fittings are on order and will be installed when they are received. ERWS will be emailed for a final inspection when the work is completed.
Gutter/ Roof Modification Vaughn has installed a modification to the lower end of the metal roof to divert the rain water down into the existing gutter. A piece of 1 ½” x 1/8” aluminum bar stock is secured to the metal roof with beam clamps. The experiment can be seen at 791 Unit #4 at the East end of the garage. The estimated cost to install this solution on the North edges of all the buildings would be $3,932. The Board voted to do a trial on each building and observe the function thru the summer and winter.
Painting of Wood Trim around Metal Roof and Garage Door Trim Bids were taking for painting the exposed wood trim under the new metal roof flashing and the garage door trim. Eric Mundy of Unlimited Services was the low bidder at $5,600. The Board voted to award the contract to Unlimited Services and start as soon as possible.
Home Improvement Fund As of April 30, 2021 the Home Improvement Fund is $24,111.69.
Irrigations Cliff is working with Gore Range Landscaping to improve the condition of the grass with the irrigation. Several of the sprinkler heads can be changed and the watering duration time to correct some of the dry spots. The owners of 791 Unit #1 complain about the water pipe noise when the irrigation is on. Cliff has adjusted the time for the irrigation system East of Strone Creek Drive such that it is not sprinkling during bedtime hours. Vaughn is investigating water supply modifications to reduce the pipe noise.
US Highway 6 Drainage Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) is in the process of repaving US Hwy 6 between Avon and Dowd Junction as well as installing ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) access at the cross walks. Vaughn asked CDOT construction supervisor if the rain water and snow melt from US Hwy 6 that runs around the corner of Stone Creek Drive and into the MET Mountain parking area at 791 would be corrected. The answer was NO and to file a complaint with the Colorado Department of Law, Division of Risk Management. The claim was file by Certified Registered mail on May 17th.
Declaration Modification of Insurance Rules A discussion was held the MET Mountain HOA insurance and the insurance the individual owners should have. The general feeling was that the owners insurance should cover outside wall to outside wall and everything in between. If a water pipe leaks or breaks inside a unit, that unit owner and his insurance is responsible. It was agreed that the Declarations should be more specific and clear. The need for legal help was agreed upon. The MET Mountain HOA insurance company, Wall Street Insurance, has recommended T.J. Voboril of Alpenglow Law as a source to modify the insurance section on the Declarations. The Board voted to get an Engagement Agreement from Mr. Voboril and an estimate of the cost to modify the insurance section of the Declarations. Note that the medication MUST be in line with Colorado Common Interest Ownership Act (CCIOA)
MET Mountain Homeowners Association Board Meeting February 21, 2020
Board members in attendants: Chris Smith Betsy Fowley Cliff Loeb Eric Mundy
Vaughn DeCrausaz - Maintenance
The metal roofing is complete on 771 Stone Creek Drive minus new skylights. Homeowners in 771 have their own contract with Ace Roofing and will pay the reminder minus the skylight cost. 791 Stone Creek Drive is almost complete minus the skylights. Ace Roofing invoiced 791 at 0.85 of the remainder for that building. The Board voted to pay the 0.85 for 791 minus the skylights.
There was discussion by the Board that future installations (such as basketball backboards, wind meters) on the standing seam roofing must be clamped to the standing seam and NO holes drilled/anchored thru the metal roofing. HOA approval should be required for such installations. No vote was taken by the Board.
Cliff reported that the snow and ice that fell off the roofs at 771 Stone Creek Drive was huge. He had a 20 pound block of ice come off over the sidewalk leading to the front door. The 771 owners have contracted Black Diamond Snow Removal to chip/plow/remove the avalanched snow and ice on a regular basis.
Given that the previous metal roofing on the townhomes did not have a snow retention system, it was decided last summer to see is a roof snow retention system would be needed. With the 771 experience of snow avalanches and ice falls, for safety the Board voted to require all buildings have a snow retention system. The Board specified the system should be on the north side of all new metal roofs.
Cliff and Vaughn have been researching snow retention systems for some time. Cliff presented his findings on “standing seam” metal roof retention systems. Key to the research is that the snow retention system CANNOT penetrate the roof metal in any way.
The Snow Defender is a clip/bracket about 5” wide and 2” high that setscrews onto the standing seam rib. Based on engineering calculations, approximately 300 of these clips are required for each building. The price for the Snow Defender is $24,100 to $26,100 for parts and installation for all four buildings.
The second option is the S5 Color Guard System. The S5 has a 2” high T bar running the width of the roof held in place with setscrew clamps on each standing seam rib. The T bar has a provision on the downhill visible side for a color matching sheet metal insert. The price for the S5 is approximately $19,500 to $21, 500 for parts and installation for all four buildings. The additional cost per homeowner would be $1,250 with any additional funding made up by the HOA. Currently the roofer is requiring they install the snow retention solution to keep our five year warranty intact.
The Board voted to install the S5 Color Guard System this summer as the metal roofs are being finished. The decision to wait was predicated on the fact that the above costs require material to be purchased in bulk for all four building and it likely won’t be until after a major snow fall season that the material can be utilized. Also, the installation costs go up very significantly (about $4,600 per building) if the roofer has to shovel the buildings roofs and then shovel the ground snow.
The Board voted to require an additional $1,250 per homeowner unit for the S5 Color Guard System. The owners of 770, 790, 791 obligation of the $1,250 will be reduced by any unused amount of the extra $500 paid per owner of 770, 790, 791 in their special assessment.
The Board voted for the HOA to fund the remaining cost of the S5 Color Guard System over and above the contribution of the owners.
There was discussion on the necessity of the replacement of the north side skylights.
As a safety precaution, Cliff recommended that “Caution Cone” be set on the sidewalks leading to the front doors of 771 and 791 buildings with “Caution” signage. The Board voted for the “Caution Cone” and “Caution” signage.
MET Mountain Homeowner’s Association Board Meeting July 19, 2017
Chris Smith – President Betsy Fowley – Vice President Eric Mundy Vaughn DeCrausaz – Site Maintenance
Board Members The Board needs to an additional Board Member. Nominees could be Steve McGervey, 771 Unit #1 and Eric Nelson 770 Unit #3. Board members will approach those individuals on the possibility of becoming Board Members.
Financials as of June 30, 2017 Checking Account $510.00 Home Improvement Account $11,860.81 Saving Account $4,310.93 Total $16,681.74 Accounts Receivable Aging Summary 61days and longer $7,129.58 four residences of the 16 Send out Delinquent Assessments notification letters per Policies and Procedures
Roof Replacement Survey of homeowners indicates that 11 have had roof leaks in their garages. Five owners have not had roof leaks. Seven owners would consider a Special Assessment for roof replacement.
A letter should be sent to ALL owners to pay the quarterly dues so the Board can evaluate the funds available and the amount of Special Assessment.
The Board is considering hiring a “roofing engineering company” to evaluate the MET mountain roofing leak issues and make recommendations.
The Board would like more roofing estimates for a better idea of the cost of different types of replacement roofing. Vaughn is NOT in favor of asphalt architectural shingle because of the low (3-12) roof pitch and the number of nail per 10 foot by 10 foot square area, approximately 300 nails.
MET Mountain Homeowner’s Association Board Meeting October 12, 2016
Attendees: Chris Smith President Betsey Foley Vice President Kathleen Morrow Eric Mundy Vaughn DeCrausaz Maintenance
Kristin McKnight of Mountain Legal Professionals, PC updated our Policies and Procedures to conform to CCIOA (Colorado Common Interest Ownership Act) The Board voted to: Leave the Dues payment as quarterly Increase the Late Fee to $25.00 Leave the Owner’s names, addresses and phone numbers on the website Consult with the MET Mountain accountant, Robert Mann, on a Reserve Study The Board will study the new Policies and Procedures and vote on them at the next Board Meeting on Tuesday, November 1, 2016 at 7:00PM in the DeCrausaz townhome.
Eric Mundy discussed his leaking garage roof. He stated that something had to be done this next summer. The Board wants budget prices for removal of the old roof and plywood decking and installing new plywood decking with insulation and metal roofing.
This winter we will look at shoveling the garage sections of the roofs to eliminate roofs leaks. Maintenance will get estimates on the winter shoveling. The Board approved the rental of a Bobcat by Starboard Electric again this year from December 15th to March 15th for snow pile removal, clearing out the dumpsters, widening the entrances to Stone Creek and helping with roof snow removal.
The inadequacy of the lawn care and the snow removal was discussed. The Board would like to review the snow removal and lawn care contracts. The Board wants to do a “walk thru” with the contractors at the start of their seasons.
The priority for the Board is to increase the Reserve by decreasing the delinquent dues.
Board Meeting
December 2, 2015
Attendees: Nancy Thomas, Betsey Foley, Eric Mundy, Chris Smith, Vaughn DeCrausaz
Nancy Thomas resigned as President for health reasons Nominated Chris Smith as President. Seconded and voted unanimous
Financials as of November 18, 2015
2015 Actual 2016 Proposed Fees 46,400.00 46,400.00 Home Improvement 4,800.00 4,800.00 Finance Charge Income 250.00 250.00 Interest Income 20.00 20.00 Total Income 51,470.00 51,470.00
Insurance 7,395.00 7,500.00 Landscaping 9,826.00 10,000.00 Management Fees 2,400.00 2,400.00 Postage and Delivery 105.00 125.00 Accounting 4,650.00 4,650.00 Legal 0.00 1,000.00 Repairs Other 3,469.91 4,000.00 Gutters for Buildings 13,324.00 0.00 Snow Plowing 6,089.22 6,100.00 Taxes 23.00 50.00 Waste Removal 4,660.02 5,000.00 Water 15,094.13 15,500.00 Total Expenses 67,036.28 56,325.00
Net Cash Flow (15,566.28) (4,855.00)
Cash on Hand 26,592.01 Accounts Receivable 13,668.77 Amount needed in Home Improvement 11,056.25 Cash on hand Operating Accounts 24,349.53 projected as of December 31, 2016 $800 per quarter ($725 in HOA dues and $75 for capital improvement) as of 1/1/2014 There are TWO delinquent accounts.
Budget accepted and pasted
Projects Completed for 2015 New Gutters and Down Spouts New Dumpster Doors New Roof Sewer Vent Rain Caps For 2015 Repair bedroom wall ground water leaks on 770 east side Blacktop sealing
MET Mountain Homeowners Association Board Meeting September 30, 2013
Board Members Present Nancy Thomas – President Kathy Morrow Eric Mundy Betsey Foley Vaughn DeCrausaz – Property Manager Chris Smith Cheri Williams
Financial Statements 2012 Actual and 2013 Budget Bank balances: Checking $ 100.00 Home Improvement $ 7,170.86 Savings $47,782.38 Accounts Receivable $12,926.19
Dues $900 total per quarter $600 as of January 2002 200 monthly $ 75 as of January 2006 for home improvements 25 monthly $225 as of January 2004 for insurance/savings 75 monthly
I cleaned the eave troughs this spring. Will try to clean again this fall, weather permitting Cleaned dryer vents, done by the Association in early summer Blacktop was sealed with oil base product this summer Getting bids on snowplowing Getting quote from Mike Niff Insurance on FEMA Flood Insurance (two units must be damaged) $250,000 on Structure by MET Mountain HOA $100,000 on Contents by individual homeowners Scrapped and painted dumpster enclosures, doors to be completed Searching for an attorney to replace Brian OReilly for new Department of Regulator Agencies (DORA) HOA regulations: New HOA Information and Resource Center (303) 894-2355 HB13-1134 Directs HOA Information Center studies HB13-1276 Requires HOAs establish collection policy for delinquent dues HB13-1277 License managers starting July 1, 2015 SB13-126 Allows electric vehicle charging stations SB13-183 Allows water conservation landscaping SB13-182 Regulates the sale of Time Shares HB12-1237 Effective January 1, 2013 Records that “must be maintained and produced” Records which “may be withheld” Records which “must be withheld” Procedures for requesting Association records Charges for assembling, producing and copying records Use of membership lists Note the Bill repeals and reenacts with amendments 38-33.3-317 of CCIOA (Colorado Common Interest Ownership Act)
I have been working all summer to get rid of the dead trees north of MET Mountain on Hwy 6 and install a fence. EVPOA has taken over the maintenance, landscaping, and irrigation of the trees. EVPOA Design and Review Board (DRB) are considering fencing. The DRB required a survey of MET Mountain’s north property line along Hwy 6. Survey was completed by Eagle Valley Surveying and found that the EVPOA west corner monument on Stone Creek and Hwy 6 was 50% on MET Mountain property.
Jeff Layman of EVPOA is here to explain the “Proposed Stone Creek Sidewalk” project, trees removal, fence project, and corner monument placement. The project will NOT be done this year. The bids were a little high County Road and Bridge needs to clean out ditch west of MET on Deer Boulevard Go out for bids again in February or March Notify Deer Boulevard residence of drainage change Time Frame of Project Six weeks total if golf course is used for staging equipment and material Three weeks total if Stone Creek is closed and used for staging. MET Mountain residences could use driveway and parking area except for a couple of days Fence Project between MET Mountain and Hwy 6 DRB will not let MET Mountain use tree stumps as fence posts DRB will not let MET Mountain build fence on any right-of-way Design Amenities Committee is reviewing all of Eagle-Vail for approved fence design EVPOA has taken over the maintenance of the pine trees between MET Mountain and Hwy 6. They have fertilized, treated, watered and landscaped the tree area. They will install a barrier this fall to protect the trees and landscaping from Hwy 6 winter grave and mag-chloride The Eagle-Vail Monument on the South West corner of Hwy 6 and Stone Creek Drive is 50% on MET Mountain property